Brian Cearnal, AIA, Architect
Segment 1
Year to date sales compared to prior years
Segment 2
Brian Cearnal, AIA, Architect
Recap of October 2017 State Street Charette
Downtown broken into 4 ‘Districts’ or quadrants
December 5, 2017 presentation to SB City Council
Housing is at the forefront in the retail cooridor
Fate of Macys in Paseo Nuevo & Saks 5th Avenue store
What do you do with 80,000 to 100,000 sf of Macys?
“Adaptive re-useâ€
Segment 3
Brian Cearnal, AIA, Architect
The Funk Zone, how that evolved
Host would have called it ‘So-way’
AUD Program to encourage rental housing
‘The Marc’ is one example, 1 acre & 60 units
Saks 5th Ave could allow 63 vs. current 27 units
Downtown currently not in AUD overlay
Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update