UCSB Economic Forecast Director Peter Rupert
Segment 1
January 9, 2018: Montecito Debris Flow
Memory of Rebecca Riskin & Josie Gower
Bluff-front property sells for $16,200,000
Florida Broker: 40-year property lien secures listing
2022 Median Sales Price, Year-over-year comparison
Segment 2
UCSB Economic Forecast Director Peter Rupert
Stagflation: 1980s balance of inflation & unemployment
“Slow Growth” Economy
GDP growth rates
Talk of Recession could be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Yield Curve defined
Online banking
Circular Flow
Segment 3
UCSB Economic Forecast Director Peter Rupert
Covid’s impact on home prices across the country
“You can’t build yourself out of the housing problem”
Density, State Laws and unhappy homeowners
Downtown State Street & outdoor dining
Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update
Mark Schneidman, Realtor, 805-452-2428
CA. RE # 00976849