November 21, 2022: Las Vegas ‘Underground’ House, Realtor Stephen LaForge

Las Vegas ‘Bunker’ House, Realtor Stephen LaForge

Underground House 3970 Spencer St, Las Vegas Link

Segment 1
Year to date Sales, w/out Hope Ranch & Montecito, Inventory

Segment 2
Las Vegas ‘Bunker’ House, Realtor Stephen LaForge
From Paris to Las Vegas
7,600 homes for sale in the Las Vegas area
Drastic difference from 2, 3 years ago
Compare to Santa Barbara

Segment 3
Las Vegas ‘Bunker’ House, Realtor Stephen LaForge
The one of a kind ‘Underground’ House
Comes with a house sitting above ground
Live full-time underground
Built in the Cold War era

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update

Mark Schneidman, Realtor, 805-452-2428
CA. RE # 00976849