May 16, 2022: Stop Pacaso Now, Santa Barbara Riviera Homeowner Don Vogt, email:

Stop Pacaso Now, Santa Barbara Riviera Homeowner Don Vogt, email:


Segment 1
Year-to-Date Sales, Montecito Only & Inventory Update
Parking space sells in downtown Santa Barbara
Alternative Student ‘Bed-Pods’

Segment 2
Stop Pacaso Now, Santa Barbara Riviera Homeowner Don Vogt
What is a ‘Pacaso House’?
Should a ‘Business’ be allowed in a residential neighborhood?
It sure seems to be a Time-Share
City of St Helena is in court with Pacaso
City of Sonoma created laws to stop Pacaso
Contact the City Council or the Board of Supervisors
Contact Don at:

Segment 3
Better Call Saul
What was Hutash Street once called?
Leave De la Guerra Plaza ‘as is’
Homeowners Insurance in California
1st Woman elected to Congress

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update

Mark Schneidman, Realtor, 805-452-2428
CA. RE # 00976849