February 14, 2022: Kirsten Ayars, Ayars and Associates, The 101 Freeway Expansion

Kirsten Ayars, Ayars and Associates, The 101 Freeway Expansion


Segment 1
Year-to-date sales going back to 2011
Historical Events on February 14th
Unusual ‘Agent Need’
400 Block of Anacapa is going both ways

Segment 2
Kirsten Ayars, Ayars and Associates, The 101 Freeway Expansion
2016 extensive work begins in Carpinteria
2020 the widening begins
2022 should see the Carpinteria lanes complete
1990’s Proposals
Work in Montecito
A sound wall in Montecito is not recommended

Segment 3
Flushable Wipes are not flushable
Tips to be safe & what to add to a lease
Do you need or want a backwater valve?
Alex Trebek’s home for sale

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update

Mark Schneidman, Realtor, 805-452-2428
CalRE # 00976849