Historian William MacKinnon: The 1st Civil War leads to purchase of Alaska; Author “At Sword’s Point†A Documentary History of the Utah War to 1858
Segment 1
Pending weekly average before & after COVID shutdown
Year to date Sales
Ted Williams, Tony Gwinn and George Brett
Segment 2
Historian William MacKinnon: 1st Civil War leads to purchase of Alaska
Utah was once the size of 6 States
Utah Governor Brigham Young v. President Buchanan
Russian & British Ambassadors interpret rumors
Russia decides to sell Alaska to the US
Segment 3
Historian William MacKinnon: 1st Civil War leads to purchase of Alaska
Long escrow
Mitt Romney’s connection to Mexico
Hudson Bay Company & British Columbia
Vancouver’s Island v. Vancouver Island
What does Coke & Alaska have in common?
Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update
CalRE # 00976849