Ojai Raptor Center, Jaclyn DeSantis
Founder/Director Kim Stroud
Tickets to Open House 11/3/2019 available only online
Segment 1
How to make $35 million by selling one home
Oceanfront home with unusual characteristics
Meryl Streep’s Tribeca home
Rentals with a twist
Today in History
Segment 2
Ojai Raptor Center, Jaclyn DeSantis
Wildlife Rehab started 22 years ago
Works with SB Wildlife Network
How the Peregrine Falcon helped aviation
Hawks, eagles and owls
The impact of Pesticides & Rodenticides
Segment 3
Ojai Raptor Center, Jaclyn DeSantis
Attack rodent problems without pesticides
Barn Owl Boxes
Rafter perch
Exclusion Techniques
How Pepperdine University saved $17,000/year
Tickets to Open House 11/3/2019 available only online
Segment 4
Year-to-date stats + Montecito + without Montecito
Weekly Multiple Listing Update
CalRE # 00976849