July 8, 2019: Mark Schniepp, Director CA Economic Forecast

Mark Schniepp, Director CA Economic Forecast

California Economic Forecast

Segment 1
Year-to-date stats plus Montecito
DMV Intersection Rule
Architectural Word of the Week

Segment 2
Mark Schniepp, Director CA Economic Forecast
Housing & Governor Newsom
Job growth
Record 121-month consecutive expansion
Labor Market, Consumer Spending
Online Sales
Stock Market at an all time high
Mini-refi boom
Impact of war on the economy

Segment 3
Mark Schniepp, Director CA Economic Forecast
Carpinteria Valley is doing well
Tax revenue from growing pot
Number of pot growers in County above Carpinteria
Number of SB City licensed pot growers
Number of County pot permits
Caller asks about pesticides
Orchids & potted plants displaced by pot

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update

CalRE # 986749