New laws, Property Manager Ron Wolfe, Wolfe & Associates
Segment 1
Year-over-year with & without Montecito
Remembering 2 people who died in the Montecito Debris Flow
Rental to 2 cats
Segment 2
New laws, Property Manager Ron Wolfe, Wolfe & Associates
10-year battery smoke/CO detector combo
SB 969: Garage door operators need battery back up
AB 2219: 3rd party rental checks don’t constitute tenancy
AB 2164: Liability for tenant growing Cannabis
AB 1919: Ban on rent gauging after state of emergency
Segment 3
New laws, Property Manager Ron Wolfe, Wolfe & Associates
AB 2413: Right to call police
AB 2343: 3 day notices & unlawful detainer
SB 1343: Employment Law on sexual harassment training
Balcony inspection requirements
Single Family Residential rental home liability issues
Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update
CalRE # 986749