April 16, 2018: Pacific Legal Attorney Damien Schiff, Environmental Law

Pacific Legal Attorney Damien Schiff, Environmental Law

Pacific Legal Foundation

Segment 1
Listen to Segment 1
Year to date home sales + Only Montecito + Only Hope Ranch
High number of new listing open on agent caravan
102-year-old man loses his home
92-year-old woman is smoking

Segment 2
Listen to Segment 2
Pacific Legal Attorney Damien Schiff
Remembering Steven Hill
California Gnatcatcher & the Endangered Species Act
Definition of sub-species
Fish & Wildlife
Social & Economic cost to protect species
2,000 protected species
Snowy Plover

Segment 3
Listen to Segment 3
Pacific Legal Attorney Damien Schiff
Is ‘Mankind’ a protected species? Ask Rod Serling
The Gray Wolf back in the 1920’s
California doesn’t think Federal Protection is enough
The Gray Wolf moved to Oregon for tax benefits

Segment 4
Listen to Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update
CalRE# 976849