June 5, 2017: Stewart Jenkins, Attorney on Guadalupe Rental Law

Stewart Jenkins, Attorney taking on Guadalupe Rental Law

Segment 1
What to do when approached by a Mountain Lion
Year-to-date # of sales & median price compared to prior years
Motoring with Mark:
Animal skins on floors
Controversial emblems

Segment 2
Stewart Jenkins Attorney taking on Guadalupe Rental Law
Allodial Title: Owning Land Post Revolutionary War
Fee Simple
Guadalupe Rental Law is not good for tenants or landlords
Inalienable rights, you can’t waive them & they can’t be taken away
Amendments Violated: 1st, 4th, 5th, 14th
City of Highland Similar Law defeated by the Pacific Legal Foundation

Segment 3
Sleep Tight Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite
New rental disclosure form on Bed Bugs, California AB 551

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update