September 28, 2015: Susan Petrovich, Attorney, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

Susan Petrovich, Attorney, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

Segment 1
Year to date number of sales; median and average sales prices
Inventory compared to past years
117 = 117

Segment 2
Susan Pertrovich, Attorney
Las Varas Ranch: 1800 acres
Request to change 9 parcels to 7 parcels
Offer public access with trails & parking lot
An owner dies while waiting for a permit

Segment 3
Susan Pertrovich, Attorney
Groundwater Management
Over-drafting water basins
Living beyond our water resources
Goleta Water District Rate Increase = Lawsuit
Proposition 13 inspired service charges
Proposition 218 was the response

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update