Chuck Eckert, Isla Vista Property Owners Association
Segment 1
Year-to-date condo sales: past years & single-family homes
Avoid scams; you will get your Grand Deed at no extra charge
Unity Shoppe Telethon December 13, 2014; 4 to 8 PM KEYT
Hollywood Rick Rossovich texts to defend Randy Quaid
Segment 2
Chuck Eckert, Isla Vista Property Owners Association
Everybody wants a safe Isla Vista
Put money into helping IV rather than another layer of government
Will UCSB contribute to a safer Isla Vista?
Should the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) be circumvented?
Can people like David Attias and Elliot Rodger be stopped?
Segment 3
California Economic Forecast December Newsletter by Mark Schniepp
Segment 4
Another text from Hollywood Rick
Weekly Multiple Listing Update