Christopher Thornberg, Economist:
Beacon Economics
Segment 1
First 6 months stats versus 2011
Segment 2
Christopher Thornberg, Economist
Beacon Economics
What is motivating people to buy real estate now?
What are investors doing?
Foreclosures: What to expect
The ‘Shadow Inventory’ versus the Groundhog
‘Homeowner’s Bill of Rights’
The US Economy: Moderate growth
The California Economy: Better than you think
Chris agrees to modify his website link
Segment 3
Flip: Buy for $655,000; Ask $895,000 40 days later
Montecito house sells for 6.8% less than its 2005 sale (3.7 million)
A trip on a sidewalk leads to a court case: Walkway Defect
Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update