April 25, 2011: Mary Louise Days, Historian

Mary Louise Days
Santa Barbara Historian
Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation
Learn about events

Segment 1
Win a ticket to UCSB’s Economic Summit
Year to date sales in SB and Montecito
Easter and Passover; Which is better?

Segment 2
Mary Louise Days, Historian
Santa Barbara is 229 but how old is Mary Louise?
How we celebrate ‘our’ birthday
Who named Santa Barbara and why?
Native daughters of the Golden West
Pearl Chase: Her imprint on Santa Barbara
What would she think of panhandlers on State Street?
Child’s Estate was ‘Hobo Village’

Segment 3
How Santa Barbara celebrated Easter with Cecil B. DeMille
“Vigil and Alta”
Italian immigrant = America’s name
Descendant of the County Court House protects her property

Segment 4
Weekly Multiple Listing Update